Monday, October 30, 2006

Wings over the Vancouver Island Coast

Seems that I am getting all my flying time in over a two week stretch. I was in Ahousaht two weeks ago, and we flew back out after boating in. Our boat lost a propellor half-way there which was a frightening experience in itself. The flight back was easy and fast, I think we landed within 10 minutes of takeoff.

Last week we flew to Hesquiaht, and that wasn't so fast and fun. The weather was coming in, and by the time we flew out we were 40' above the waves. The trees were taller than we were flying, and I even saw a whale come up and blow.

Wednesday is the kicker. We are flying in a cessna to Kyuquot from Gold River. It's a 45 minute flight, in November.... Here's hoping for a nice day. It's fun to visit these communities, and I love flying, but I do get nervous when the winds and fog pick up.


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