Friday, October 13, 2006

Newspaper Ads - cute

These are actual newspaper ads:

FREE Yorkshire Terrier: 8 yrs. old. Hateful little bitch. Bites.
FREE PUPPIES: 1/2 Cocker Spaniel - 1/2 Sneaky Neighbor's Dog.
FREE GERMAN SHEPHERD: 85lbs. Neutered. Speaks German.
COWS, CALVES: Never Bred....Also, 1 Gay Bull For Sale.
NORDIC TRACK: $300 - Hardly used, call Chubby.
GEORGIA PEACHES: California grown - 89 cents lb.
JOINING NUDIST COLONY!: Must sell Washer & Dryer $300.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!:-) Enjoyed the ads. Make a long, busy day with a long evening of school work more approachable. When I get frustrated with my readings of Marxist critical theory in American mass communication research I'll just look at your ads again K.