Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Happy New Year!

Hello from the land of the eternally tired. Even after two weeks of Chloe looking after her pups, I still awake at the smallest squeak from downstairs. Yesterday I was headed to bed when one pup started screaming. I went to check and she was laying on it with her elbow fully across it's poor little stomach. I had to manually lift her up to get it out! I swear she'd leave her baby on the bus if she were a human.

They are doing great, roly-poly and attempting to stand on their back legs. They use their back paws to scratch themselves in a very clumsy and uncoordinated way. If you scratch under their collars, they wave their back legs in the air. Their eyes are opening, but it's a slow process.

I'm back to work after two weeks off and there are lots of emails to catch up on. I have conference calls booked, and lunch meetings to organize, catering and all.

We seem to be in the middle of yet another storm. I lost a good portion of my back fence when my neighbours two trees fell, one on her house and porch. I feel really bad for her, but it makes things really difficult to have a roaming dog with three yards to explore. I never know if she has found an open gate.

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