This summer we lost my Dad's mother, Muriel Johnsen. She was to turn 84 this year, but was diagnosed with cancer in June, passing away August 4th. Her hospital confinement was a time for all of our family to gather, and in spite of the loss it was nice to see so much family all in one place. Being with her brought back all kinds of memories of family visits to Chilliwack during my childhood. Primary among these were our trips to the nearby cemetary where both my grandmother and grandfather are now buried. As children, we used to take the dogs to the cemetary and run and play between the headstones. A favourite game was to have one person hold the dog while the other ran and hid. The dog was then let go, and always went crazy trying to find us.
I'll miss my Grandmother.
Upon coming back to work after the funeral, I found on my desk the following newsclipping:

It brought back all kinds of memories. Jessie Mack was my nunnie grannie - Great Grandmother - on my mother's side. I remember mostly only her, having been 8 years old when my Great Grandfather died. She was a stern woman, not given to a lot of affection, but I held her in the highest regard. After her funeral, there was quite a flurry of activity regarding her propoerty, but I ended up receiving a set of red wine glasses with gold rims. They are gaudy and not something I'd use everyday, but they are safely packed away in a box, ready to be displayed when I have a safe place.
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