Thursday, January 04, 2007

Boxing Day Excitement

Boxing Day came around with visits from all sorts of folks. First came my aunt Kathy, Holly and Abigail, then came my parents oldest friends, Charlotte and Ted. Chloe became quite agitated around 2pm, and we figured she was going into labour. By 8pm, no pups and she was grunting with contractions. I called the vet office and was advised to give it one more hour. At 9, no sign of pups and the vet asked me to bring her in. After 2 hours of waiting at the vet office, we decided to do a caesarean section at 11:30pm. By midnight there were 9 squirmy, screamy pups.

Chloe had a hard time with the anaesthetic, and was groggy and spastic for a few hours. I put the pups on her to nurse as often as possible, but as she regained consciousness I realized she wasn't going to accept the pups. By 5:45am, I was a complete mess and I called Holly to get some advice. She told me to have someone hold Chloe's head while I put the pups on her. They needed Mom's milk. I had to run the pups tummies to get them to pee. Kirsten and Shane woke up and helped me, and we rotated on puppy patrol for the rest of the day. By 7pm at night I was dead tired so Shane told me to go sleep and he and Kirsten would watch the pups. About 1/2 hour later he came up to tell me that Chloe was licking the pups. At nine when I came back downstairs, Chloe was being a good Mom, cleaning the pups and allowing them to nurse. She has gradually grown to be quite responsible with them, although she does get a bit sketchy when something startles her.

Today, a bit over a week later, I am still a bit tired because I get up in the night if one starts yowling. Sometimes they get onto the wrong side of her and can't figure out how to go around.

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