Day Two and a Half - September 14, 2006
Went out and visited Tacia again, tried to take some pics when I was in with her but she follows so close all I got were blurry pics of a nose, or an eye, or forelock. She is such a sweetie, she follows behind wherever I go. I worked on space with her and got her to lift one foot when I asked. I can touch her all over and she doesn't flinch or move away an inch, just stands quiet and still.
After Leann came to visit Tacia, we went and picked up a freezer. I thought I was gonna die when I tried to lift my end and it fell over onto my legs. With some help we got it into my truck, but on the way out, we got the news that alfalfa hay was being delivered. Oh my god that alfalfa is heavy. I tried to lift one but just couldn't.. so my job was to slide the hay to the edge of the trailer for Leann and two men to haul.
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