Thursday, December 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Polar Bear Trip - October 2007
On our arrival, we booked into this bed and breakfast, the Beechmount.
We spent a few days in Winnipeg, exploring The Forks, the museum, visiting relatives, and shopping. On Oct. 25, David, Dad and I met with our Frontiers North tourmates at 6:15am at the airport. I don't know why we had to meet so early as we then had to stand around for a good hour before a bus came and picked us up to take us to a smaller airport North of the International terminal. We were thenshuffled into a 44 seat propellor plane and began our Northern adventure!
Upon our arrival in Churchill, we were met by +1 degree temperatures, wet snow, and rain. We were shuffled into another bus, driven by Simon the smiling Brit. He gave us an interpretive tour of the town and surrounding areas, including a bear jail and some bear traps.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Birthday and Housewarming Party - 80's Style
Too much fun! My birthday and housewarming party was just a blast. We played Trivia Pursuit 80's edition, drank orange sherbet punch and ate all kinds of cool snacks (including nerds and chocolate whoppers). Midge sported a glow in the dark collar and Sony was long gone as he was afraid of all our laughing. Goonies and Say Anything were playing on the TV and 80's music came out of the speakers. Maria brought along a burned CD and we rocked out to Dexy's Midnight Runners and 99 Luftballons.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
My late Grandmothers
I'll miss my Grandmother.
Upon coming back to work after the funeral, I found on my desk the following newsclipping:
It brought back all kinds of memories. Jessie Mack was my nunnie grannie - Great Grandmother - on my mother's side. I remember mostly only her, having been 8 years old when my Great Grandfather died. She was a stern woman, not given to a lot of affection, but I held her in the highest regard. After her funeral, there was quite a flurry of activity regarding her propoerty, but I ended up receiving a set of red wine glasses with gold rims. They are gaudy and not something I'd use everyday, but they are safely packed away in a box, ready to be displayed when I have a safe place.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
New house for Kelly
Camping and Dogs on the Beach
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Worms in Space - More info
From the Vancouver Sun:
Tiny space worms coming home to B.C. next week
Glenn Bohn, Vancouver SunPublished: Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hundreds of thousands of little worms that have been flying around in space reproducing might help pave the way for humans in a similar endeavour -- the flying part, at least.
For six months the worms -- each about one millimetre long -- have been among the live cargo at the International Space Station, successfully reproducing for about 25 generations while being subjected to radiation from outer space.
Thursday, June 07, 2007
My Uncle Sent Worms to Space!

Thursday, May 31, 2007
Houses, houses, houses
Luckily, my parents are good at seeing potential and they urged me to look at this particular house. Since it was so crazy cheap. I can probably make around 100% profit on selling it.
Here is my old house:

And here is the one I have an offer on right now:

Saturday, May 12, 2007
Body sock
Body sock
Originally uploaded by junomidge.
Midge was spayed last Wednesday, but she decided the stitches needed to come out a bit earlier than they should. So I had to get one stitch replaced on Saturday and then they fitted her with this cone. She was still trying to chew, so I then made her a body sock to ensure the wound is covered. Needless to say she hates life right now.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Chloe is a swimmer
trailer 038
Originally uploaded by junomidge.
Took Chloe and the pup to the trout farm this weekend. Chloe has decided she would like to be a black lab instead of a Shepherd.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Live at ACME Foods
After the sets at ACME foods, we zipped back to the Rod and Gun to catch the last set of Hummer - a pop rock band that is doing quite well for themselves. Things have changed quite a bit in the Nanaimo scene. Kelley and I used to spend a lot of time at the Queens, but the crowd has changed a lot, and the bouncers (gasp!) don't know us anymore.
Yeah, I'm getting old.
Dog days outside, nice weather finally
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Quadra Island, here I come!
Other than that things have been pretty normal at home. I have had some ups and downs with the pups. I found homes for all but two, but had to put one to sleep on Friday. She had some birth defects that the vet and I finally decided were extensive enough to warrant this route. It was one of the hardest things I have had to do, and I have not been sleeping well since.
I have been working on the house and yard as much as possible in the awful weather we have been having. And I came home yesterday to find a brand new section of fence where the trees destroyed it last Fall. I guess the neighbour pushed up the start date of May that she had discussed with me. It is so nice to let the dogs out without wondering if they will stay in the yard or force through the flimsy chicken wire I had strung.
This is a view of the pups and fence yesterday: